NETBALL: Committee & Life Members

Thanks to these hardworking committee members and volunteers…..

ChairpersonRaegan Coleman0403 032 063[email protected]
SecretaryLeanne Shirlock0416 112 463
TreasurerRalph Tortorella (HSCC)
Senior Competition CoordinatorLeanne Shirlock0416 112 463[email protected]
Senior Competition CoordinatorVACANT
Aged Competition CoordinatorChris Sedgmen0422 742 450[email protected]
Aged Competition CoordinatorVACANT
Uniform/Merchandise & Equipment/MedicalCoordinatorNorelle Branford[email protected]
Carnival CoordinatorNorelle Branford[email protected]
Umpire CoordinatorNicole Lange0414 688 308[email protected]
Association Delegate EDNAVACANT
Association Delegate SAUCNAChris Sedgmen
Senior Recording OfficerAli Lawrence
Junior Recording OfficerJulie Rechichi
Social & Fundraising Coordinator/sVACANT
General Committee MemberVACANT

We welcome new volunteers, so if you would like to become more involved in our club, a great way to do this is to join our committee. If you are interested in nominating for election at our AGM, please express your interest via email at [email protected]